Air Filtration

Blue Synthetic Filter

Used by industry to collect larger dust molecules in the air thus preventing the middle filter from being filled and blocked.

White Synthetic Filter

Used by industry to collect larger dust molecules in the air thus preventing the middle filter from being filled and blocked.

Pleated Air Filters

Used for application in retaining dust particles and facilitating higher air flows. Likewise, they are used to reduce and eliminate odors from aerosols.

Pocket Filter

Pocket filters are made of synthetic fiber. These filters have high dust holding capacity and can be used in the central air conditioning ventilation system for industrial and commercial facilities, buildings and other factory HVAC devices. They are made with galvanized metal frames to hold the bags. It has great security and mechanical resistance.

Cotiza con nosotros

Si necesitas optimizar tu proceso de filtración con nuestros productos, maximizar la recuperación de sólidos y reducir costos, estás en el lugar correcto. Descubre cómo nuestros equipos robustos y confiables pueden transformar tu operación.

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