Selection of the Optimal Filter Media

The Filter Media is responsible for the formation of the cake quickly and effectively, in addition to having an important contribution to the filtration performance. Likewise, the filter medium has a great influence on the flow of the filtered liquid, the initial resistance of the filter and the turbidity of the filtrate in each filtration cycle; also like in the cake discharge.

Filter Press Calculation

The Calculation of the Filter Press is of utmost importance, since the efficiency of this equipment depends on it in relation to the material to be filtered and the other requirements of the client. CIGEI SAC has a specialized technical team that has the experience to correctly calculate the filter press necessary for the requested specifications. 

Process Reengineering

CIGEI SAC has the qualified human resources to carry out any type of fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of any type of industrial process, achieving significant advances within critical and contemporary situations of the process; such as: cost, service, quality and speed.

Cotiza con nosotros

Si necesitas optimizar tu proceso de filtración con nuestros productos, maximizar la recuperación de sólidos y reducir costos, estás en el lugar correcto. Descubre cómo nuestros equipos robustos y confiables pueden transformar tu operación.

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