Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento

Flotación por Aire Cavitado

Cavitated Air Flotation

CAF is a cavitated air flotation equipment, ideal for the separation of fats and very small particles suspended in water, especially fats.

The process is carried out by means of recirculation with a cavitator, where atmospheric air is taken through a hollow shaft and a propeller and mixed in the water. In this way we obtain a bubble that accelerates the ascent of the fats to the surface so that they are swept by the scraper mechanism.

Dissolved Air Flotation

DAF is a dissolved air flotation equipment, ideal for the separation of fats and very small particles suspended in water.

By means of recirculation with a pump that mixes water and air, we obtain a micro-bubble that accelerates the ascent of the fats to the surface so that they are swept by the scraper mechanism.

They can be manufactured for various flow rates taking into account the water retention time in the system. 

Flotación por Aire Cavitado

Rotary Sieve

  • The rotary sieve is a tool created for the constant separation of solids suspended in a liquid. With an efficient construction design, it has the ability to retain particles that vary between 0.15 mm and 5 mm, depending on the model, occupying a reduced space.
  • This device has automatic cleaning mechanisms, which prevent saturation of the equipment due to excessive accumulation of solids.

Rotary Drum Filter

There are two types of filters: Piped and Open Channel.

The purpose of the piped systems is to regulate the water level inside the drum for relatively low flow rates, thus improving the efficiency of the filtration process.

The open channel drum filters are designed according to analysis standards and finite element calculations. They are manufactured in 304L stainless steel for fresh water and in 316L for sea water process.

Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento

Compact Pretreatment Plant

Equipment designed and manufactured for the primary treatment of water since with its application we will be able to carry out different treatment stages with the use of a single equipment obtaining as a result the reduction of costs and work spaces. With its use we will be able to carry out the following treatment processes.

Rotofilter or Rotosieve

The Rotofilter is a machine designed for the filtration or screening of liquids, which have a proportion of solids in suspension.

They have the capacity to filter particles from 0.05 mm to 5 mm, generating a great performance with a very small size. 

Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento


CIGEI SAC offers manual, semi-automatic and automatic operation filters, which have a variety of applications for the elimination of all types of contaminants present in water

Among the main equipment are: Multimedia Filters, Dosifiers, Reverse Osmosis Equipment, Activated Carbon Filters, Ozone Generator Equipment, among others.

Fat Concentrator

The grease concentrator is a compact equipment for the removal and evacuation of floating suspended elements such as grease and foam.


  • Reassuring Box
  • Frame and Retention Box
  • Floating sweeper mechanism
  • Drive Unit
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento

Static Fat Concentrator

The function of this concentrator tank is to separate solid materials such as greases, oils, fine sands, foams, which the previous equipment has allowed to pass through.

As the fluid enters the concentrating tank, the less dense solids tend to rise to the surface of the water sheet and the heavier solids tend to fall to the bottom.

Desengrasador Circular

Its function is to stabilize the incoming flow. To promote the emulsification of floating residues and grease, blowers with diffusers are installed at the bottom of the tank. In this way, the air causes the fats and foams to rise towards the upper part of the water sheet, forming a blanket, while the treated water flows out of the tank through a pipe that reaches a hopper located at the top of the tank.

Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento

Sand Washer

The equipment is composed of the following parts: decanting hopper, drive unit, conveying zone, screw conveyor and inlet and outlet ports for fluids and solids.

The whole unit is driven by a motor-reducer unit, which is electrically powered.

Possibility of manufacturing in different sizes (up to 6 meters) and flow rates (from 10 m3/h up to 150 m3/h)
adapting to any customer's needs.

Roughing Grids

Roughing screens for cleaning water currents have multiple applications in municipal and private services such as: drainage, sewage treatment plants, sewage collectors, open or closed channels, pumping stations, river intakes, among others.

Its main objective is to separate the solids from the water and dispose them on the surface. In general, the water passes through a grating which undergoes roughing according to the air gap.

  • Fine roughing: 3 to 10 mm
  • Medium roughing: 10 to 30 mm
  • Roughing Coarse: 30 to 100 mm
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento
Maquinaria Pre Tratamiento

Flocculation Pipelines

The design employs in-line mixing zones by reducing and expanding the pipe diameter in a short length of pipe. This accelerates the flow rate and disperses chemicals within and immediately downstream of the mixing zone.

In this way there is no need for mechanical mixers or the use of external devices.

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