Dry Filtration

CIGEI's dry filtration consists of the elaboration and commercialization of Collector Sleeves in:

  • Polyester Collector Sleeves
  • Dust Collection Sleeves - P84
  • Dust Collecting Sleeves - PTFE
  • Fluidized Bed Filter
  • Pharmaceutical Filters

Polyester Collecting Sleeves

Collecting Sleeve type filter made of felt polyester cloth, resistance to different chemicals and withstands high temperatures (120 – 135 °C) laser cutting technology to capture pollution in industry and the environment with neoprene collar.

Dust Collecting Sleeves - PTFE

Dust Collecting Sleeves - PTFE are a laser cutting and sewing technology with reinforcements, sleeves closed by processes that achieve absolute tightness and particle retention.

PTFE or Teflon FILTER filter bags work at temperatures ranging from 240 to 260 °C.

Dust Collection Sleeves - P84

P84 fiber filter bags have high resistance to alkali, PH and high temperatures (260 – 275 °C)

Fluidized Bed Filter

Fluidized bed filters manufactured by CIGEI SAC are used in various processes
industrial, mining and environment.
The phenomenon of fluidization is used to carry out various processes of
separation, purification and treatment.

Pharmaceutical Filters

CIGEI SAC Pharmaceutical Filters are polypropylene filters from 1 to 25 µm (microns).

Laser technology, for all types of applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

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